Creative Ideas, Programs, & Projects
From the Art Teacher
HELLO VISITORS. Welcome to our creative arts website. Here you will find ideas for artists of all ages. Use the sidebar to click and choose from the menu of possibilities and visit often. The art teacher hopes that you will get together with your friends or family to do a little art every day, relax, and have some fun.
Although she has retired after 40 years in the classroom, the art teacher is still having a grand time designing projects just for you. It has lifted her spirits and made her realize how very important art is for all of us. If you are ready to join in the fun, a collection of her video art lessons for all ages can be found at:

The art teacher loves doing special programs. She often takes her show on the road to libraries and schools. She also works with elders & home-schoolers. Click on the menu at the left to see the programs she offers.
*Why make art?*
Ula, age 9, has a wonderful answer. Click on the arrow to see what she wrote.
"Grab brushes and paint, and paper. Art is good to get your mind off stuff. If you are in a bad mood art can calm you down, art is fun to do when you are bored, and art can get your mind off all the drama.
When you paint with the brushes it could show your feelings. You can feel your feelings on the paper with the brushes.
If you have nothing to do, you could do art. Art can make you less bored. You can draw outside at the park so you can remember when you went to the park and you had fun.
If you are having a bad day you can paint how you are feeling and you can read it and say I don’t want to feel this anger I want to feel happy.
I hope that you agree that art is a great way to take your mind off stuff. I would like people to be happy and not to be mad. They could do something mean to others. I think if we feel mad that people should try to art to relieve the angry. I think that we should set up some paint and paper with the brushes so when people can dip the brush in the paint and paint away."